Città, Data
NETREGISTER.IT The Registry At Info Avenue
Customer Service P.O. Box 1897
Fort Mill, SC 29716 US
Oggetto: Admin-c Changes.
Il sottoscritto (Here, admin-c)...............................
titolare del dominio (Admin-c of domain)......................
chiede il cambio di Admin-c secondo i seguenti parametri (requests the Admin-c change with the following parameters):
Administrative Contact 1. Nome (First Name).........: _____________________________ 2. Cognome (Last Name).......: _____________________________ 3. Name (Last, First)........: _____________________________ 4. Societa' (Organization)...: _____________________________ 5. Indirizzo (Street Address): _____________________________ 6. Comune (City).............: _____________________________ 7. Provincia (State).........: _____________________________ 8. CAP (Postal Code).........: _____________________________ 9. Nazione (Country).........: _____________________________ 10. Telefono (Phone Number)...: _____________________________ 11. Fax (Fax Number)..........: _____________________________ 12. E-Mail....................: _____________________________
Firma e timbro del Cedente
Signature older Admin-c
Firma e timbro del Cessionario
Signature new Admin-c